Just believe…


I am no extraordinary person. I’ve lived an all-too-common, unexceptional, unremarkable existence.  I’ve had troubles and trials as much as the next person and I’ve never stood out as being destined for greatness. Yes, I’ve entertained thoughts of possessing great purpose.  I’ve even fantasised about doing something so significant that my name is remembered for generations after I’ve gone.  Haven’t we all?  But when it comes down to it, I’ve accepted my path, plodded along meaninglessly, and have resigned myself to the inevitability of mediocrity. I’ve accepted that I am not prized or sought after, and I’ve never dared to step beyond my daydreams.  But lately, I’ve felt a stirring.  A sweet whisper enticing me to believe in more … more of me, more for me.  After many years of instilled societal norms my initial reaction was to stifle it.  But I can’t … there’s something sparkling inside.  A glimmer of faith never felt before.  I hear His calling and His Spirit is starting to dance within. I’m being led to ponder, “what if the shining lights of the world don’t have a ‘higher calling’?”  What if the Heidi Bakers and Todd Whites around us are simply responding to the call that Jesus has made for us all to step into …?  What if all I need to do, is believe?  Believe that The One who Loves, is drawing me into an intimacy I’ve never imagined I could claim …?  What if all it takes for me to get closer to the Creator is to believe everything His Word proclaims about me? I’m deciding today to renew my mind, flush doubt and negativity from my thoughts, and step into a secret place with Him where I am who His Word says I am! I’m not seeking fame or fortune by recording the process. What I’m wanting to do is prove to myself that Grace truly is given and not earned.  And even someone as insignificant as me has a part to play in His divine purpose. This blog will be my accountability to maintaining the journey.  I’m excited about where this will take me in my relationship with God, and I pray that the people who also need to come to this realisation of themselves in Him, find my writings and are blessed by His presence. Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will. Prayer:  Abba, as I lean into You, I ask that you smother me in Your Love.  I ask that Your vision of me becomes my vision of Me.  I am created in Your image and I can do all that You say I can do.  For You are my Creator and I trust Your perfect plan.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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